Pink Pentas

Pink Pentas (Pentas lanceolata)

By: Anna Stubbendick, FCHP

October is here, and you know what that means – it’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month! At Canterbury Farms Nursery & Garden Center, we’re all about spreading love, hope, and awareness. This month, we’re painting our garden pink to honor those who have fought or are still fighting breast cancer. What better way to do that than by showcasing some stunning pink plant picks that thrive right here in Central Florida? Let’s dive right in!

1. Bougainvillea: If you’re looking to add a pop of vibrant pink to your garden, Bougainvillea is your go-to plant. These climbers are known for their stunning bracts that come in various shades of pink. Plant them near a trellis or let them cascade over a wall for a breathtaking display.

2. Hibiscus: Hibiscus is a classic choice for Central Florida gardens. With their large, showy blooms, these tropical beauties come in many shades of pink, including the eye-catching ‘Seminole Pink’ and ‘Painted Lady.’

3. Red Sister Cordylines: While not entirely pink, the Red Sister Cordyline offers a fantastic contrast with its striking reddish-pink foliage. It’s a perfect addition to your garden, bringing both color and texture.

4. Pentas: Pentas are a must for butterfly enthusiasts. These compact perennials boast clusters of star-shaped pink flowers that will attract pollinators to your garden. Plus, they’re low-maintenance – perfect for busy gardeners.

Pink Hibiscus

‘Seminole Pink’ Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sisnensis)

5. Vincas: Vinca, or Periwinkle, is a versatile ground cover that thrives in Central Florida’s climate. The pink varieties add a delicate touch of color and can even handle the occasional drought.

6. Lantana: Lantanas are a superb choice for hot and sunny spots in your garden. The ‘Anne Marie’ and ‘Confetti’ varieties, among others, showcase beautiful shades of pink that shade to yellow. Their vibrant clusters of tubular flowers will brighten up your landscape.

7. Roses: Roses are the epitome of love and beauty, and pink roses, in particular, symbolize grace, admiration, and appreciation. Central Florida’s climate is ideal for many rose varieties. You can choose from a wide range of pink rose bushes, from the Drift Rose varieties to the striking ‘Double Pink Knock Out.’ These roses will not only fill your garden with their captivating scent and elegance but also remind you of the strength and beauty that can come from adversity.

Red Sister Cordyline

‘Red Sister’ Cordyline (Cordyline fruticosa)

And don’t forget that pink isn’t just limited to flowers! You can also add pink-themed accessories to your garden, such as pink planters, garden ornaments, or even pink flamingos. Let your creativity run wild and celebrate the cause in style.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a time to remember and support those affected by breast cancer. By adding pink plants to your garden, you not only contribute to the beauty of your outdoor space but also show your support for an important cause.

If you’re not sure how to incorporate these pink perennials and shrubs into your garden, don’t hesitate to visit Canterbury Farms Nursery & Garden Center. Our friendly staff is always ready to offer advice and guidance to help you create the pink garden of your dreams.

Coral Drift Rose

‘Coral’ Drift Rose (Rosa ‘Meidrifora’)

So, let’s come together this October to celebrate life, strength, and the power of pink. Plant a garden that not only brings joy to your heart but also raises awareness for breast cancer. Together, we can make a difference, one pink plant at a time!

Make a Difference!

Florida Breast Cancer Foundation

Susan G. Komen For the Cure