Everyone knows plants need water and sunshine to survive; but in order to thrive, they need essential chemical elements, like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Without these and few others, they simply do not have the necessary “building blocks” to grow. This is where the fertilizer comes in.

Fertilizer provides the plants with ingredients in readily available  forms for optimal health and strength. In a sense, fertilizer is much like vitamins for us, humans.

A healthy, strong, “well-fed” plant will be more likely to ward off fungus, disease and invasion of harmful bacteria and insects.

So for your plants’ sake, fertilize!

Fertilization in October presents a wonderful opportunity to prepare your trees and shrubs for the winter, then once the cold has passed, fertilize again in spring for a beautiful, lush landscape.

We recommend 12-6-8 slow release fertilizer in pellet form.