Here’s a landscape and garden to-do list for the month of August:


Annuals/Bedding plants: The hottest days of summer limit planting now to heat-tolerant annuals, such as coleus, kalanchoe, and vinca. 

Herbs: Herbs that can be planted from plants (not seeds) include bay laurel, ginger, Mexican tarragon, and rosemary.

Vegetables: Tomatoes, beans, carrots and others can be planted for the fall garden. 


Palms: Check older fronds for yellowing as it may indicate a magnesium or potassium deficiency. Apply an appropriate palm fertilizer. 

Vegetables: Solarize the vegetable garden in preparation for fall planting if not done in July.  Click here for more info on Soil Solarization

Poinsettias: Pinch back poinsettias and mums before the end of the month to allow time for buds to form for winter bloom. 

Ornamental plants: Fertilize plants that show signs of deficiencies. Rapid growth and leaching rains may result in nutrient deficiencies in some plants. 

Fertilizer Bans: Some municipalities in Florida prohibit the application of fertilizer to lawns and/or landscape plants during the summer rainy season (June–September). See if such an ordinance exists in your area.

Annuals/Bedding plants: Remove spent blooms, cut back, and fertilize flowering annuals and perennials to extend the bloom season into the fall months.

Source: University of Florida IFAS Extension (