Common Name: Crinum Lily, Queen Emma Crinum Lily

Scientific Name: Crinum asiaticum, Crinum augustum

Type of Plant: Tropical

Description: With its commanding presence, the exotic crinum lily enhances more formal to wildly tropical landscaping. A giant lily like this can be the centerpiece of your landscape. Already impressive in size and growth habit, it occasionally tops it off by producing a long stem with an enormous flower.

Mature Size: 3-5′ tall x 3-5′ wide

Blooms: Crinums bloom on and off all year. The most common in home landscapes is the white flowering variety (Crinum asiaticum) which grows to about 5 feet tall. This plant’s flower is pure white and sweetly scented. Another popular variety is “Queen Emma” (Crinum augustum) which grows to about 6 feet with big purplish leaves and a magenta and white bloom.

Fruit:  no

Climate Requirements: This is a moderate grower that prefers a well-drained area in full to part sun, though it will grow in shadier spots. In more shade, the Queen Emma’s leaves will revert to more green in color.  Considered moderately cold hardy, the white crinum is somewhat more so than Queen Emma.

Care Requirements: No trimming is needed other than to remove browned leaves. To keep the plant looking tidy, you may want to clean up around the base occasionally, removing any excess pups.  Fertilize 3 times a year – spring, summer and autumn – with a good quality granular fertilizer.

Spacing: Space plants 3-5′ apart

Water Needs: Though it’s moderately drought tolerant, this plant can take moist conditions occasionally and looks spectacular when planted near the edge of a pond.  Water on a regular basis with time for the soil to dry out between waterings.

Maintenance: Low

Special Uses/Attributes: Crinum lily is moderately salt tolerant and works well on coastal properties.  It contains toxins and the sap can cause skin irritations in some people who are especially sensitive. If that describes you, wear gloves when handling.

Florida Native: No