red-maple-220Scientific Name:     Acer Rubrum
Type of Plant:    Large sized deciduous (loses its leaves for the winter) tree.
Description:    very fast growing tree and it gets its name from the bright red- colored, pointy veined leaves prevalent in the fall months. When the leaves are not red, their color is a medium green on top and pale green on the underside. Height is typically 40-60 feet, but some can measure up to well over 90 feet tall.
Height:     40-60’     Width:
Blooming:     Small flowers
Fruit:   Samara
Climate Requirements:    It is a very hardy tree as it can survive temperatures up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit and as low as 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Also thrives in many different soil conditions. One may be growing on a dry hill and another in the middle of a swamp. The Red Maple tree is extremely adaptable.
Care Requirements:     Recommend fertilizing 2x a year.
Special Needs:     None
Special Uses/Attributes:     If you are looking for a fast growing shade tree with a punch of nice red color in the fall, this is the tree for you!
You’ll get instant satisfaction as it grows to a nice mature size quickly.
Florida Native?     No